Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I think you guys can tell I'm starting to get lazy... =x Ah this is just the way I am lol Getting all heated up, starting a new blog, then dying off very quickly =x

I'm so looking forward to AFA this weekend~ It's been quite a while since I've gone to a cosplay event. I actually preordered my tix for Saturday, then I went to the website yesterday to check event timings etc. Turns out the regional cosplay championship (I think it's called this from my memory x.x) is on Sunday, and I kind of regretted buying the Saturday tix. But last night, the guy whom my sis and I asked to help pre-order posted at his fb saying the $8 tix aren't available anymore ._. I guess it's both a good and bad thing for me? lol

So right now we're still pondering over the $15 tix, planning to share cost with my other friend who will go on Saturday and I change mine, together with my sis's, to Sunday. By right the $15 tix should grant entry for both days ._. Hopefully that guy didn't get it wrong ._. I sent like 47 sms today just on this AFA thing lol

Well the sad thing is my camera phone sucks and I can't take good pics -sigh- ._. But it's okay, what's important is get good pictures of my cosplay when I do it in future =x

Hmmm thought I should share a random pic of my super messy hair when I woke up on a random day (this is so lame and no life ._.)

I doubt you can see much though lol I shall try to describe it ._. Basically, my bangs had some kind of side parting, then my hair that was supposedly at the back came to the front, and some parts of my bangs were behind this bunch(?) of hair, and parted at the side. Simply put, my hair was overlapping from side to side ._.''

So yea =D

I just read this in fb =="
"Justin Bieber beats Eminem for Best Male Artiste? Wtf?"
Wth?!?!?! Scram la Justin Bieber zz This is the shittiest shit I've heard in this week =="