Sunday, November 7, 2010


Someone asked me this question, again
"Are you always so quiet or are you shy?"
I finally analyzed it myself recently lol I don't think I'm the 100% shy or 100% quiet type, because even with my family I'm also quiet, and because there are times where I just suddenly have a lot to say. I guess I'll provide scenarios on where and when I'll be chatty

Either one or more of the following must stand, depending on who I'm talking to
1) Night time
2) One to one (or two?) conversations
3) I have a chance to make sarcastic remarks
4) I'm curious about the conversation topic
5) I severely lack sleep
6) When I don't have to speak loudly

-Random section-

Then hmmm... I really wonder if I should go search for an equine course cause there's really no future in it... Same goes for the other things I have the passion for as of now. Things like filming, writing, music (I officially suck at it so yea =="), dancing, fashion (everyone knows I suck at it =D) etc.

I saw two sports cars (not really into car type/brand so I don't know what exactly they are) speeding along the road downstairs my house today. It's the first time I saw (from what I remember) two sports cars speeding together. Man they're so cool *_* (the cars, not the drivers ._. cause if an accident happens they won't be cool anymore lol -touchwood-)

Ahhh Apocalyptica rocks man! They are so loved by me <3~ They make me feel like loving cello more than violin =x I'm furiously sharing their vids on my fb lol =x

This was the first piece I heard from them, introduced by Sis. Well I don't think you all know this song cause all of you don't listen to English songs... T.T