Saturday, November 20, 2010

Random Things

I almost wrote "Random Stuffs" for my title, lucky for me, my boss corrected my English? lol "Stuffs" isn't exactly an English word according to him, but "stuff" is ._. I also don't know lol

Well I guess it's time for some updates =x I shall upload all my super blur photos from AFA cause I don't care already la ._. What can a lousy camera phone do man ==" -fed up-

I don't know anything about the cars and the... hmmm figurines? lol

Just showcasing the crowd lol

These two pics zoom in from upstairs and take de ==" Like can see shit lol

Lenne and Yuna from FFX-2~

Alices from Pandora Hearts =D

Well I don't know about these two =x But I love the pirate outfit lol

Yup you guys should know... ._.

This guy was in the Regional Cosplay Championship but... I didn't really catch what anime/game it was from =x

And... we were busy moving office for the past week since Tuesday afternoon. Our phones and internet were cut off ==" So we had no choice but to start packing lol We finally reached the new office on Friday late afternoon, didn't take pics of our "new place" yet, and most probably wouldn't since it's my 2nd boss' place ._. According to the accountant, we most probably will move out again in two month's time =D So I'll still be around ._. I keep forgetting to take pics of the old office until the movers came and I had nothing to do but watch x.x So...

Bye bye old place!