Thursday, November 25, 2010

Shit man

This morning while on 163 towards work, I saw something which... can bend two ways ah.

I don't know if the dog is abandoned, or the dog was following someone who doesn't know him/her and the person was chasing the dog away. The sight I saw was, the dog was running away from the person, but he (shall use he for convenience's sake) stopped after a while and turned around to look at the person. The person sort of gestured the dog to go away, and the dog continued to run away. He ran super super fast without stopping, crossed the road, then my bus went past him already.

But the dog still looks well-groomed so I really don't know. I was tempted to board the bus and go check out the dog and the guy I saw, if only I'm the boss and not just an intern ==" Hais