Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Batam Trip

I went Batam from last Saturday to Monday. First night stayed at Formosa Hotel, second night KTM Resort. Wanted to go sea sports on the second day de, but keep raining, end up never go. I was quite moody cause of this ah, cause I was super looking forward to it, and I was like "No matter how ex I must at least try one activity". So, sigh. End up second day do nothing except eat lol

First day:
(random "xiao ren guo" pictures)

(Playing with sizes lol)

Second day:
It's very nice and peaceful and windy, but there's nothing over there and the food is damn ex lol

My bro's slippers broke cause he was running about too much, then we use rubber band tie lol

Third day:
While we were waiting for the ferry to arrive at batam's ferry terminal, my mum went to ask something about the ferry we were waiting for. Then the person immediately tear her ticket and called out to everyone who were waiting for the same ferry. It's the first time we went out when the ferry haven't even arrive ah lol ._. So we waited for the ferry to arrive.

Then it's the first time we sat on this kind of "VIP" seats lol

I wonder if I sound sian in my blog post lol I guess I do, cause I'm really sian ==" Suddenly very tired of everything, just feel like sleeping for a month then wake up again. Also don't know why, maybe I'm overwhelmed by my random thoughts. Didn't feel anything negative when I was out with Sis earlier on today neh. Just that my singing is getting from bad to worse and I don't really feel good about it lol ._.

Bahh, my life is boooooooooring~ And I'm making boring choices ._.