Sunday, December 12, 2010

SAF Yacht Club + Sentosa

Lazy to post in words... Shall upload pictures instead =x

Hehe the first three pics were using the flourescent white balance, so it's blue-ish ._. yup, that's my mum, she doesn't know she's on my blog =x

And unglam me ._.''

This is just me trying to be lame ._. Capturing the mirror's reflection in mirror's reflection in mirror's reflection in mirror's reflection in mirror's reflection.. in mirror's reflection... in mirror's reflection....... which obviously failed badly lol

And I couldn't believe it, Sentosa at 10pm, no one in sight ._.

Didn't have time to take pics of our dinner =x But we packed some stuff back cause they were closing already x.x And we couldn't finish it lol