Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Batam Trip

I went Batam from last Saturday to Monday. First night stayed at Formosa Hotel, second night KTM Resort. Wanted to go sea sports on the second day de, but keep raining, end up never go. I was quite moody cause of this ah, cause I was super looking forward to it, and I was like "No matter how ex I must at least try one activity". So, sigh. End up second day do nothing except eat lol

First day:
(random "xiao ren guo" pictures)

(Playing with sizes lol)

Second day:
It's very nice and peaceful and windy, but there's nothing over there and the food is damn ex lol

My bro's slippers broke cause he was running about too much, then we use rubber band tie lol

Third day:
While we were waiting for the ferry to arrive at batam's ferry terminal, my mum went to ask something about the ferry we were waiting for. Then the person immediately tear her ticket and called out to everyone who were waiting for the same ferry. It's the first time we went out when the ferry haven't even arrive ah lol ._. So we waited for the ferry to arrive.

Then it's the first time we sat on this kind of "VIP" seats lol

I wonder if I sound sian in my blog post lol I guess I do, cause I'm really sian ==" Suddenly very tired of everything, just feel like sleeping for a month then wake up again. Also don't know why, maybe I'm overwhelmed by my random thoughts. Didn't feel anything negative when I was out with Sis earlier on today neh. Just that my singing is getting from bad to worse and I don't really feel good about it lol ._.

Bahh, my life is boooooooooring~ And I'm making boring choices ._.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Today while bathing a lizard peered in from under the door. That's the first time I realized lizard's eyes and lizards, are cute lol x.x

This is a really late update lol It was a pic I took while walking home from my workplace at 7.45pm. It's super blur cause I didn't stop while taking the pic, just wanted to let you guys see how dark it is lol it's a nice place to stroll at when it's in the day ah, but when at night... Although there's still a lot of joggers I don't like the atmosphere there lol

My bro brought chocolates home today~ (From his company xmas party?) I thought it was rather interesting lol

I can smile when I cry and cry when I smile, but most people only see one side of it lol

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

4.12 AM

lol Tired... But I just wanted to post song lyrics

Declan Galbraith - You and Me

Cause everything’s right
And everything’s cool
It’s always the love side of my life
And that's so far from right

And I know I’m not the only one
who used to feel
How you used to be
And that happiness is the only thing I need

You and me
Are not in love
The way we're supposed to be
And though I chose you
I just want the one you used to be

I just want to look into your eyes
And trust who I see
But you're finding faults
And you blame them all on me
And that's so far from right

Cause I'm in love
With someone that you used to be
That I couldn't find
But that happiness is the only thing I need

You and me
Are not in love
The way we're supposed to be
And though I chose you
I just want the one you used to be

I wish that you could look at me with
Your eyes you did before
Maybe when we took our vows
We should have thought about it more

As we grow older
And we both grow miles apart
And you're lying there beside me
And you do not want to be mine

You and me
Are not in love
The way we're supposed to be
And though I chose you
I just want the one you used to be

Yeah You and me
Are not in love
When we're supposed to be
And though I chose you
I just want the one you used to be

We're not in love
The way we're supposed to be
And though I chose you
I just want the one you used to be

Suddenly thought a lot of people settle down just for the sake of settling down. And realize how much I've changed lol

Monday, December 20, 2010

I went to watch Confessions today~ Cause it was recommended by sis lol In the beginning I was afraid my friends wouldn't like it ah... When it started the progress was so so so slow lol They wanted to watch different movies de, but they sort of went along with me x.x So if it's not nice to them then I die ah.

Okay the story is about a mother seeking revenge for her daughter's death, which leads on to subsequent events. The plot develops around the different main characters' inner thoughts, referred to as confessions in the show, on this murder case. I shall skip details in case you guys still want to watch it (but I doubt so, it's going to go out of theatres soon anyway lol). If, the ending is a good ending, I wouldn't like this movie. But it has the open ended kind of ending ah, so I just think of the path I like. I guess I can say I like this movie in my own way? lol

I thought the movie was exploring mother-child relationships a lot. How this love can be so blinded and go so wrong when handled by extremists. There's no wrong in wanting to be recognized or to be loved. Who can we blame that human faults go on forever? The very first human beings? We're just created like this.

(There are a lot of things I want to say but I don't want to spoil the whole thing ._. lol)

Oh well, dinner was after movies, but I only had a cup of bandung cause my tummy just feel bloated x.x I think it's the... 3rd time in my life I skipped a meal? Sian... I shall have to avoid skipping meals in the future ==" I wanted to walk around a little longer but also too late already... so just went back. Took the same line with my colleague's, Morby, gf, had a chat, and that's all for tonight =3

Hoho yea, the ex programmer, Jack, kindly gave me vouchers for chalet, but don't know can use or not leh... Need his IC and signature and be his next-of-kin. I think it'll collect dust for a while in my house already lol Tonight's movie was also on him, but they're free passes la... lol

Hmmm my ankle started to ache again today, maybe I walked too fast while rushing too work? Now my back's aching as well ==" Ah doesn't matter, tata~

Sunday, December 12, 2010

SAF Yacht Club + Sentosa

Lazy to post in words... Shall upload pictures instead =x

Hehe the first three pics were using the flourescent white balance, so it's blue-ish ._. yup, that's my mum, she doesn't know she's on my blog =x

And unglam me ._.''

This is just me trying to be lame ._. Capturing the mirror's reflection in mirror's reflection in mirror's reflection in mirror's reflection in mirror's reflection.. in mirror's reflection... in mirror's reflection....... which obviously failed badly lol

And I couldn't believe it, Sentosa at 10pm, no one in sight ._.

Didn't have time to take pics of our dinner =x But we packed some stuff back cause they were closing already x.x And we couldn't finish it lol

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pics Updates

Hehe haven't been updating for quite a while x.x Sorry folks~ I shall now upload a few pics to share with you guys lol

My Long Island Tea~

The AK 47 pic is with my dad... Haven't got the chance/remembered to get it from him lol I don't think I ever will though ._.

Then... I went to watch ZHCO's first concert ever!! It was last Saturday, man it brought back a whole lot of feelings. If only we have an alumni (those kind that calls people back for practice and participates in performance, not those who just help out in marketing and backstage x.x), I'm so going to join~~

But I'm considering going Australia to further my studies... Sigh, but that's not confirmed yet though. Wonder when I'll be able to make a decision?

I DIDN'T MANAGE TO TAKE PICS OF THE CELLO SECTION T.T They already started, and I ps to take, doesn't look really nice when ppl are performing and you just take pics like that. So... Sigh T.T