Sunday, November 28, 2010

Showing off =D

This actually happened last Saturday, but I kept on forgetting to post about it lol
I went for this free air rifle, laser gun and archery trial at I-not-sure-which CC in Bukit Timah/Bukit Batok area. Then... I shot the bullseye once, I got first among the 10 players in the laser gun game, and my first arrow hit bullseye! lol But the remaining 5 arrows went haywire ._.''

Okay ._. Just a short post to let you guys know I'm fine lol Went on a gambling ship last Friday, took some pics of the cocktails I tried =x Will upload when I'm free and in the mood I guess. I feel like I enjoy life so much recently ._. Tata~

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Shit man

This morning while on 163 towards work, I saw something which... can bend two ways ah.

I don't know if the dog is abandoned, or the dog was following someone who doesn't know him/her and the person was chasing the dog away. The sight I saw was, the dog was running away from the person, but he (shall use he for convenience's sake) stopped after a while and turned around to look at the person. The person sort of gestured the dog to go away, and the dog continued to run away. He ran super super fast without stopping, crossed the road, then my bus went past him already.

But the dog still looks well-groomed so I really don't know. I was tempted to board the bus and go check out the dog and the guy I saw, if only I'm the boss and not just an intern ==" Hais

Monday, November 22, 2010


I asked someone this question some time back, "What do you think of females who don't get married?".

And she replied me a few points
1) She's not adventurous enough
2) When you old and retired with $1m and you donated to charity, BUT there's a con man in that organization and all your money has been used for enjoyment and not to help, how would you feel?
3) She feels more fulfilled when she has passed down her knowledge to her kids. Or else what are you working for? What are you living for?

I thought about it, but I'm still stuck at my previous decision. These points aren't good enough. I only need one point to persuade myself to stay single.

I will not get adventurous at the expense of the my kids' growth. What if my marriage fails and my kids are adversely affected by it? I will not be a successful mother, and I know I will not be a successful one since
1) I hate kids
2) I have a quick temper
3) I have low EQ

I will not be selfish just for trying out marriage. What's the point anyway, when you just stay together for the kids in the end? Why not just work for yourself, and even if I donated to charity and the conman used my money for something else, he will get retribution.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Random Things

I almost wrote "Random Stuffs" for my title, lucky for me, my boss corrected my English? lol "Stuffs" isn't exactly an English word according to him, but "stuff" is ._. I also don't know lol

Well I guess it's time for some updates =x I shall upload all my super blur photos from AFA cause I don't care already la ._. What can a lousy camera phone do man ==" -fed up-

I don't know anything about the cars and the... hmmm figurines? lol

Just showcasing the crowd lol

These two pics zoom in from upstairs and take de ==" Like can see shit lol

Lenne and Yuna from FFX-2~

Alices from Pandora Hearts =D

Well I don't know about these two =x But I love the pirate outfit lol

Yup you guys should know... ._.

This guy was in the Regional Cosplay Championship but... I didn't really catch what anime/game it was from =x

And... we were busy moving office for the past week since Tuesday afternoon. Our phones and internet were cut off ==" So we had no choice but to start packing lol We finally reached the new office on Friday late afternoon, didn't take pics of our "new place" yet, and most probably wouldn't since it's my 2nd boss' place ._. According to the accountant, we most probably will move out again in two month's time =D So I'll still be around ._. I keep forgetting to take pics of the old office until the movers came and I had nothing to do but watch x.x So...

Bye bye old place!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Went to AFA today... like finally~ Had some super pissed experience but I shall not elaborate again lol Anyway, too lazy to upload pics today so... shall see how ba =D

Well, time to post my favourite songs for this season~ (actually I don't know how long my season is ah ._.)

(I think it'll be nicer if the guy just shut ._.'' Too bad the official music video can't be embedded)

(Not sure if I posted this before, but oh well, it's a new blog right? lol)

(I have mixed feelings about this though, but I just placed it in cause there aren't any more songs that I can remember now ._. Isn't that sad?)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Crime City!

Yoyo~ Here to jio people to join me in Crime City (facebook game) cause my group size not big enough x.x You confirm will enjoy de lol So come join me =D

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I think you guys can tell I'm starting to get lazy... =x Ah this is just the way I am lol Getting all heated up, starting a new blog, then dying off very quickly =x

I'm so looking forward to AFA this weekend~ It's been quite a while since I've gone to a cosplay event. I actually preordered my tix for Saturday, then I went to the website yesterday to check event timings etc. Turns out the regional cosplay championship (I think it's called this from my memory x.x) is on Sunday, and I kind of regretted buying the Saturday tix. But last night, the guy whom my sis and I asked to help pre-order posted at his fb saying the $8 tix aren't available anymore ._. I guess it's both a good and bad thing for me? lol

So right now we're still pondering over the $15 tix, planning to share cost with my other friend who will go on Saturday and I change mine, together with my sis's, to Sunday. By right the $15 tix should grant entry for both days ._. Hopefully that guy didn't get it wrong ._. I sent like 47 sms today just on this AFA thing lol

Well the sad thing is my camera phone sucks and I can't take good pics -sigh- ._. But it's okay, what's important is get good pictures of my cosplay when I do it in future =x

Hmmm thought I should share a random pic of my super messy hair when I woke up on a random day (this is so lame and no life ._.)

I doubt you can see much though lol I shall try to describe it ._. Basically, my bangs had some kind of side parting, then my hair that was supposedly at the back came to the front, and some parts of my bangs were behind this bunch(?) of hair, and parted at the side. Simply put, my hair was overlapping from side to side ._.''

So yea =D

I just read this in fb =="
"Justin Bieber beats Eminem for Best Male Artiste? Wtf?"
Wth?!?!?! Scram la Justin Bieber zz This is the shittiest shit I've heard in this week =="

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Someone asked me this question, again
"Are you always so quiet or are you shy?"
I finally analyzed it myself recently lol I don't think I'm the 100% shy or 100% quiet type, because even with my family I'm also quiet, and because there are times where I just suddenly have a lot to say. I guess I'll provide scenarios on where and when I'll be chatty

Either one or more of the following must stand, depending on who I'm talking to
1) Night time
2) One to one (or two?) conversations
3) I have a chance to make sarcastic remarks
4) I'm curious about the conversation topic
5) I severely lack sleep
6) When I don't have to speak loudly

-Random section-

Then hmmm... I really wonder if I should go search for an equine course cause there's really no future in it... Same goes for the other things I have the passion for as of now. Things like filming, writing, music (I officially suck at it so yea =="), dancing, fashion (everyone knows I suck at it =D) etc.

I saw two sports cars (not really into car type/brand so I don't know what exactly they are) speeding along the road downstairs my house today. It's the first time I saw (from what I remember) two sports cars speeding together. Man they're so cool *_* (the cars, not the drivers ._. cause if an accident happens they won't be cool anymore lol -touchwood-)

Ahhh Apocalyptica rocks man! They are so loved by me <3~ They make me feel like loving cello more than violin =x I'm furiously sharing their vids on my fb lol =x

This was the first piece I heard from them, introduced by Sis. Well I don't think you all know this song cause all of you don't listen to English songs... T.T

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dance - Sis

Hmmm... Other than Se7en... I don't really think any dance is super nice =x (Ps to Kpop fans~). If you all have any nice, more manly, dance mv to recommend please do so x.x Anyway, I found the following la ._. But my kpop dictionary is like haven't even reach one page ._.

1) I like Shinee, but their formation for two people is impossible lol
i) Lucifer

ii) Replay
(Remember I said I saw this before? I confirm got see before, then I found it ==")

iii) Ring Ding Dong

(actual version)

2) DBSK Mirotic (this dance is really good to me ._. Much as... -cough cough- Sis you know ._.)

3) Boa Eat You Up (Okay this is a english song ._.)

4) Taeyang
i) Where You At

ii) Wedding Dress

5) Big Bang With U (I'm trying to find good vids where they actually dance ._. But I can't find much leh, this is a english song ==")

(I can't believe someone who's kinda anti kpop is doing this ._. Instead of studying which she should do!!!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Old Lady

There's this old lady pushing a... cart(?) who was always along the slope I walk past everyday when I go to work lol I made it sound like I've been working there for years already ._. Well anyway, I haven't seen her since last Thursday. Wonder how she's doing?

Today my worst nightmare came to me - getting the hang of something new AND work on existing files to continue a project. My brain is overloading man~ I'm really afraid I can't produce anything at the end of the day. I'm a really slow learner when I don't have a tutor... lol

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Three Wheel Bike

I know I know, I'm outdated again ._. But my friend base isn't very up to date with this kind of things ma.

(You: What the heck are you talking about?)


Yup, it's a three wheel motorbike. When my mum heard that there were this kind of bikes, she seemed a bit more willing to let me get bike licence (but I wouldn't know which kind to take for three wheelers ._.). But I don't want a three wheeler ==" What's the point of getting a bike, when you can't even lean? Might as well get a car ._.

I was thinking of random things just now and... I suddenly thought if I'm a lesbian, I'll sing If I Had You (Adam Lambert) to my sis ._. I'm not suggesting anything, just thought the "all they need in this world is some love" line was suitable for the both of us lol

Ah... I feel like I can't seem to get enough rest... Life has become even more no-life for me with second week into internship lol Frankly speaking, I can't wait to move office. At least I can take a break from my daily routine of facing the computer and trying to program something or learn some new software etc. Cham, starting to feel so lazy so soon x.x

Well I was reading something about women with underarm hair, and I'm quite shocked about the response from a lot of guys. They talked about feeling turned on when they smell the odour or something, and I was like omg @_@

What do you think of women with underarm hair? Drop me a tag? lolol ._.